Surgical Services
Desexing your pet is a surgical procedure that prevents them from being able to reproduce, as well as preventing future health issues associated with hormones. It is commonly referred to as ‘castrating’ in males and ‘speying’ in females. This tends to be the most routine and common surgery performed here.
If you are deciding whether or not to desex your pet, we have a ‘Desexing - Pros and Cons’ handout available to all clients.
Desexing procedures at YFV include:
an admission appointment with a nurse to discuss any concerns, answer any questions and to give your pet a clinical exam to ensure they are healthy for surgery
a small blood test which ensures your pet is not anaemic, suffering a potential infection or having issues with blood clotting before undergoing surgery
IV fluids during the procedure and recovery to help support their blood pressure and keep them hydrated
several days of pain relief and anti-inflammatory to take home, giving your pet the best chance at a smooth, pain-free healing process
a discharge appointment with a nurse, to discuss aftercare instructions in detail, and to answer any further questions you may have
Dental Procedures
Just like us, our pets are vulnerable to gum disease and teeth issues. Up to 80% of dogs and 70% of cats suffer from dental disease by the age of three.
Checking your pet’s teeth is part of our routine health check/examination, and we can always have discussions with you regarding this in consults. In many cases, a dental procedure will be recommended. This is where any damaged teeth will be removed and the rest of your pet’s teeth will be cleaned and polish. We will then recommend some dental treats for you to give at home to help keep their mouth nice and clean.
Soft Tissue
Soft Tissue surgery encompasses any surgery that is not related to bones. Some common soft tissue surgeries we perform are:
Lump Removals
Stitch-Ups (wound repairs)
Exploratory Laparotomies
Orthopaedic surgery refers to procedures relating to bones or joints.
We can perform certain orthopaedic surgeries here, including cruciate ligament repairs, fracture repairs or amputation.
Complicated orthopaedic cases such as spinal surgery, or more difficult fractures may need to be referred to a specialist orthopaedic surgeon. Our veterinarians will assess each case individually and provide the best advice and treatment plan for your pet.